Sunday, February 10, 2008

Let's start believing for more :)

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1

Once there was a mountain-climbing organisation that caters to businesses that wish to build camaraderie and teamwork among employees. The expedition was an eight-hour trek to the summit of the mountain, anyone with normal walking ability would be able to ascend to the top.

Initially, the group of hikers were full of enthusiasm and could hardly wait to have a group photo taken at the summit and to celebrate their victory. After hiking for several hours, they decided to take a break at a restaurant, approximately halfway up the mountain. Interestingly, after all are energised and full, less than half choose to continue. It is not because they are unable or the climb is too tedious for them but is simply because they are satisfied with where they are. They lose the drive to excel, to explore new horizons, to experience vistas they had never previously imagined possible. They have tasted a bit of success and became complacent.

Often in life, many of us actually came across such scenario. We have a goal that we wanted to achieve in life; kick a bad habit or to lose some weight. Initially, we are full of enthusiasm and drive to achieve our goal; however, we got lazy and complacent along the way. We become comfortable right where we are when we saw a little improvement. Though, where we are right now might not be bad, but we know that it is not where we are supposed to be. We are not stretching our faith and not pursuing the excellence that God has placed in our hearts. Let’s step out of our comfort zone today and start believing God for even greater things to manifest in our life. It does not take extra effort to believe and stay filled with faith than it takes to develop a negative and defeated attitude.

Indeed, this is not going to be easy. However, those who witness their dreams come to pass are people who refuse to settle for somewhere along the way or less than their best. Hence, persevere on! We are made for more than good enough. We shall focus on our goal, set our course and have the attitude that we will not settle on anything that is less than our best but rather to reach to our fullest potential!

I have decided to share this motivating story that I have read in a Christian book with you all as it has motivated me to strive for the best that I am and to believe in my God for even greater things to manifest in my life. I believe that many of you out there share the same sentiment as me that often in life, we are too comfortable with the things that are in our life and hence, refuse to strive for anything better. But let’s all remember that this is not where we are supposed to be but rather, we are meant for things that are even much better. For those who are non-Christian, I hope that it will also serve as a remainder to only believe and settle for the best that you are and never become too complacent with things that are in your life now. I sincerely hope that everyone who read this would be able to receive their portion and in some way learn and benefit from this story.

My blogging Buddy was Guo Qi=)


Ken Yeo said...

To me, to be driven and to be contented has been an age long question. I always try my best but how do I know if "that" best was really my best? when is enough really enough?

The quest for my answer goes on.....

P/s: Nice post by the way...

Anonymous said...

Dear Chubby Dragon,

Reading your article gives me the feeling that you are one of the those ever striving for the best. I am glad for you and hope that in the continuous seeking of excellence, you can get the motivation needed to spur you on. Never lose faith when you face obstacles--have CONFIDENCE!

I too believe in PERSEVERING for what i think is best and hopefully i wont get anything less. =)

Keep up the posts! I enjoy reading them. =)

Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you for this inspirational post, Ms. Chubby Dragon. I especially like the way you open with the anecdote and then elaborate with a very serious discussion. I appreciate your effort and your insights!