Deforestation around the world has caused many species of animals to face extinction, one of such example is the Orang-utans.

Orang-utans are large apes that live in Southeast Asia. Due to deforestation, the population of the great apes are declining drastically. Orang-utans are being killed as they flee from the burning forest to seek safety from the fires. Male orang-utans usually escape from the area, but females usually stay by their young. As a result, they may be killed or kidnapped for the pet trade.
If orang-utan population are to recover, destruction of the habitat should be ceased and adequate protection must be extended to them. Indonesia takes action and plant trees in effort to save the orang-utans. The main target of the project is to preserve vast areas of forest for conversion to palm oil. If this plan is being carried out, it could possibly lead to 9,800 orang-utans being rescued.

Another approach to conserve the endangered apes is to educate the public and spread awareness among the people. In addition, we should not support products made from tropical hardwood. Hence, when there is no demand, there will be no supply. Making a contribution to the zoo’s fund for conservation of the endangered orang-utans would also help aid the existing situation.
In conclusion, it is vital for everyone to play a part in the prevention of the extinction of the orang-utans so as to ensure that our future generations would still have the opportunity to witness a living orang-utan.
Well maybe you should try to squeeze a bit your paragraph since there's a limitation of 200 words. The forest fire should be an additional cause as it was not caused by logging. Enforcement in against illegal hunting and logging is another good way to save animal. :)
In deforestation, logging and burning forests are usually used. The method of burning is used as it is much cheaper and faster as compared to logging. This probably explains why despite environment hazards, burning is still pretty much in used, especially indonesia.
Thanks for this post! You discuss the problem well.
I appreciate your hard work!
Forest, the lung of the earth and home of animals.It is in first proity to protect the forest.
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